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How to be a Web Designer in South Africa?

How to be a Web Designer in South Africa?

Web designer jobs are becoming increasingly popular as we are entering a brand-new digital age era. Websites have revolutionised how businesses function, especially during and after the covid-19 situation. With affordable web design and hosting plans, it is almost...

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7 Steps to Design a Website

7 Steps to Design a Website

"The Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. The Design is how it works". These words are by the famous Steve Jobs, the late co-founder of Apple Inc. And we, the Digital Lime Green team, take this very seriously as we apply this ideology throughout our...

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Important Elements of a Homepage

Important Elements of a Homepage

A homepage is the face of your website. When you represent yourself in public, you want to look good and appealing, right? The same logic also applies to a website. Just like faces, homepages of different websites also differ in looks and functionality. In this...

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