Are you interested in formatting and coding a website, but never got a chance to do so? You do not have any coding background, yet you wish to create websites for fun and learning. Then this article is for you. In this article, we will explore five simple web development projects for beginners in South Africa in 2023. Let us begin.
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Five Simple Web Development Projects for Beginners in 2023
What do you require to create a basic website? Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and optionally, JavaScript… and your vision for your website.
HTML is the skeleton of your website; it defines the structure of your web pages. CSS helps you align the HTML elements/assets of your website and decides how they will be displayed. JavaScript is a programming language that adds functionality and interactivity to your website.
To create a website, you need at least some knowledge regarding HTML and CSS. So, what are some self-learning web development projects you can take? Don’t worry too much about making your website look enticing but make sure it is functional and at least well-sorted.
Before we begin, a disclaimer. The website samples in this article are supposed to be for inspiration. It does not mean your website will look like this on your first attempt. Web Development is a complex field that utilises different skills and assets from different backgrounds to bring a website to life. As beginners, your simple web development projects may look nowhere near the samples shown below. However, first, get your basics right, and then you can experiment with advanced coding.
Personal Portfolio Website
With just HTML and CSS, you can create a personal website to showcase your resume, projects, and skills. You can also add links to your social media profiles and a contact form. This can be a single-page website that includes your introduction, projects, social links and a contact form in case you want to receive enquiries.
As a single-page website, you should keep your information minimal and precise. Overcrowding a single-page website will turn visitors away. Make sure to define the sections well on your webpage.

Source: Pinterest
Recipe Blog
A recipe blog (or any other kind of blog, really) website is a good idea for an easy web development project. Blogs are most likely multi-page websites, depending on how you want to sort out the content. This will require a bit of JavaScript knowledge as well.
Develop a simple blog where you can post and share your favourite recipes. Include images and descriptions for each recipe. Embed YouTube links on your blog as well, if necessary.

Source: BlogTyrant
Personal Landing Page
Landing pages are the pages you visit when you click on a hyperlink through a search engine’s result page. A landing page design is important as it creates the first impression on your visitors. As landing pages prompt visitors to take action, you will also be dealing with the JavaScript aspect of the project.
For practice, you can design a landing page for a fictional product or service. Include features, pricing, and a contact form.

Source: DEV
Interactive Quiz
One of the simplest learning experiences out there is creating a website for interactive quizzes. Your goal here should be that the user on your website is able to select answers and submit the quiz. For this, you will also need to set up a backend database, which you can do easily with XAMPP. XAMPP is a backend database package that developers can use to test their websites locally.

Source: ThemeForest
Image Gallery
Build a simple image gallery where users can click on thumbnails to view larger images. You may need to use Bootstrap in this project to bring aesthetic structure to your website. However, if you just want to test out the images in an image gallery, even the simple HTML coding would work.

Source: UICookies
Final Words
So, these are the five simple web development projects for South African beginners that you might want to try in 2023. Web Development is an intriguing field. Even if you do not have a technical background, you can pick up coding from websites like W3Schools, FreeCodeCamp, and much more. Even YouTube will give you free coding lessons if you know what to search for.
Remember, this is a learning experience. If you are serious about picking up web development in South Africa, you may want to avoid website builders and learn actual code. This takes determination.
However, if you are looking for professional web design, using website builders or asking a professional web designer in South Africa is the way to go. Digital Lime Green strives to provide high-quality web designs to small and medium businesses in South Africa at affordable costs. Contact us for more information.