Remove WordPress Admin Bar
WordPress comes with some awesome features, and one of them is called Admin Bar. If you are exploring and reviewing the front end of your website and see something you want to change, Admin Bar immediately takes you to the backend of that particular page. There, you can make all the necessary changes you would like.
Removing WordPress Admin Bar becomes a necessity if you have a lot of users on your website. You could disable it for them one by one, but it becomes especially hectic if there are many users registered with your website.
You wouldn’t want all the registered users to unnecessarily see the admin bar. In this article, we are going to give a quick explanation of how you could remove the WordPress Admin Bar easily.
How to remove WordPress Admin Bar?
There are 2 methods of removing the WordPress Admin Bar.
1. Removing Admin Bar from Profile Page:
The simplest method to remove/hide the admin bar from your or a specific user’s account. As an administrator, you can simply access their profile info, in which there is an option that states ‘Show Toolbar when viewing site’. Simply unchecking this box will hide the admin bar appearing on your or their profile. Of course, if you are a little group of users, then this method is doable. But with a big group, you may want to consider other methods.
2. Removing from Theme (permanent method):
This trick will help you to remove the admin bar for all users if you are running any guest blogging campaign. For this follow the tutorial below:
1. Go to Appearance > Editor > and edit Functions.php. Simply add the following code in the Functions.php file:
remove_action(‘init’, ‘wp_admin_bar_init’);
2. Click on save to see the effect.
This is how you clear the WordPress Admin Bar for specific users or multiple users at the same time. There is also a third method that includes exploring the plugin library that allows performing this operation.
If you need further assistance from us, feel free to reach out to us via our portal and we will do our best to solve your queries.