Delete more than 20 comments at once in WordPress

This is a quick guide on how you can delete more than 20 comments at once in WordPress. Let’s dive in without further delay!

There are lots of blogs that are getting thousands of comments that include spam comments. Having spam comments on your blog or website can be harmful to your SEO score. This is why deleting spam comments become necessary. But unfortunately, WordPress only allows you to delete 20 comments at once. That does not mean there is no way to delete more than 20 comments at once, because there are!

There are two methods in order to delete pending comments, these are followings:

  • Plugin: Delete Pending Comments Plugin.
  • Software: PHPMyAdmin.

Method 1. Using Delete Pending Comments Plugin

Delete Pending Comment plugin allows you to delete exactly what it states: to delete pending comments. It is a very useful and must-have plugin if your website or blog is really popular and gains a lot of traction and comments. You may choose to download their plugin on their download page. Furthermore, their website also has a FAQ section that provides all the required information you need.

If you do not like this one, or if you want something else, there are various alternatives to this option. One of them is WP Bulk Delete. It allows a much greater control overall in deleting content on your website, including spam comments. Be careful while you tread around this option.

Method 2. Using PHPMyAdmin

Deleting pending comments through PHPMyAdmin is easy enough if you have little knowledge about PHPMyAdmin and SQL query. Just follow the steps below:

  • Open your website and navigate to PHPMyAdmin Icon. After that click on it.
  • In PHPMyAdmin select the appropriate WordPress database
  • Run the following command from SQL: delete from wp_comments where comment_approved = ‘0’


Conclusion on deleting WordPress comments

Be advised that you should make a backup before you proceed with mass deleting the comments. You don’t want to end up deleting what you were not supposed to delete.

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