Having a website for your business in 2022 has undeniably become one of the most important aspects of a business. No matter the size of the business, a website will always help you take a step forward, not backwards. In this article, let's look at some of the most...
Getting Free HTML Templates in 2022
In 2022, getting a website for any purpose has surely gotten simpler. Especially if you do not have any custom and/or specific requirements from your website. While having a custom, uniquely functional website is definitely cool and helps your business, many...
7 Steps to Design a Website
"The Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. The Design is how it works". These words are by the famous Steve Jobs, the late co-founder of Apple Inc. And we, the Digital Lime Green team, take this very seriously as we apply this ideology throughout our...
Marketing a Web Design Business in South Africa
Marketing a web design business can be a hustle in South Africa. The business demands a very specific target audience which may be hard to find in your day-to-day life. However, that does not mean it is impossible. Instead of thinking harder, investing more into...
5 Email Marketing Hacks You Must Try in 2022
The Top Five Email Marketing Hacks you must try in 2022 Despite the growth in popularity of instant messaging apps, email is still a primary part of your online activity. The number of email users is set to grow to 4.6 billion by 2025. Based on this statistic you can...
How does a Website Designer charge in South Africa?
Budget is an important key factor when you are getting a website for your business. The price range varies and each website design agency has its own price set. Now, on which aspects does a website designer charge their clients in South Africa for a website project?...
Important Elements of a Homepage
A homepage is the face of your website. When you represent yourself in public, you want to look good and appealing, right? The same logic also applies to a website. Just like faces, homepages of different websites also differ in looks and functionality. In this...
Interesting Ideas to Create a Website
Internet is truly an amazing discovery by mankind. It has allowed us to expand our horizons tremendously and has changed the way we functioned as a society. And it definitely has changed the way we do business. There are many interesting website ideas around the...
7 Cs of an Effective Website Design
Having a website alone for your business isn't enough. It has to deliver what your business is supposed to deliver to its target market. Your website is the online representation of your business; and when it comes to representation, a variety of factors matter. User...
Finding the right Influencer in South Africa
Having a public figure representing your brand can go a long way in growing your brand image. In the past, big brands used to hire celebrities as ambassadors, while smaller brands could make use of mascot or mascot-like characters to attract attention. While these...
Memes and Social Media Advertising
Memes and Social Media Advertising Memes have influenced the internet culture for far too long. During the last decade, especially, memes have literally exploded. It has affected how people behave online, their speech, and their methods of expression. Memes have...
How many Social Media Posts should I post per day?
How many Social Media Posts should I do per day? Social media is one of the best methods to improve your brand's visibility, business engagement, and giving effective customer service. To do so, you have to constantly remind your followers that you exist. On social...
Set up a Facebook or Instagram Shop in Cape Town
Set up a Facebook or Instagram Shop in Cape Town Ever since Facebook introduced Facebook Shops in May 2020, it has opened a new door of opportunity for small businesses in Cape Town. Of course, that means Instagram also has its own Shops platform too. In 2021, more...
Social Media Management in South Africa
Social media management is one of the most difficult tasks to get right, especially for a small business. South African economy is majorly supported by small businesses and small businesses are always looking for growth. Social Media channels can be one way to grow...
Content Marketing on Social Media
Content Marketing on Social Media Content marketing and social media marketing are two distinct methods, yet they heavily rely on each other. You can say that content marketing is an integral part of social media marketing, as you can boost the traffic and...
Social Media Advertising in Cape Town | A Compact Guide
Social Media Advertising in Cape Town Advertising on social media in Cape Town is a relatively recent practice - and a popular one. Why? Because social media platforms have experienced a massive boom in the userbase in the last decade. Advertising platforms have...